HIV Action Plan for England – World AIDS day 2021

The Sophia Forum welcomes the HIV Action Plan for England and its ambitions to achieve its goal of zero HIV by 2030.  Essential to achieving these goals means we must make a firm commitment to address the significant health disparities experienced by those who are disproportionately at risk and affected by HIV. These health inequalities have been further highlighted in the current COVID pandemic, especially for women and marginalised communities.

Health and gender equity must be forefront in attaining these goals, and it is essential women be front and centre in achieving these ambitions, and the third sector community is at the heart and meaningfully involved in the initiatives outlined and working collaboratively with broader stakeholders. Further financial investment to support our sector will be needed to develop culturally accessible programmes that meet the needs of marginalised communities.  

The Investment of prevention programmes is welcomed, yet we cannot forget those in other area’s of the country. We must also keep a focus on those newly diagnosed, living and ageing with HIV that they too attain the highest quality of life that will support engagement and retention in care.